Sydney City
As it is also distributed on the list of Sydney city brothels, here you can view the suburbs most commonly searched on internet to find brothels in Sydney. Approximate 2000 search per month means in average 66 search per day according to google's monthly search estimation. Artarmon brothels has the most frequent demand on internet at present and gradually rydalmere brothels, granville brothels, bankstown brothels, marrickville brothels are also popular suburbs for brothels on internet. The following keywords wont actually indicate distribution of number of brothels in Sydney but it might indicate some conveniency of those locations or attractions to any specific well known brothel.
"brothels western suburbs, western suburbs brothels, brothel ryde, blakehurst brothel, five dock brothels, rydalmere brothel, marrickville brothels, brothel west ryde, north ryde brothel, brothels in greenacre, granville brothels, brothel bankstown, ultimo brothel, ashfield brothels, artarmon brothel, brothel crows nest, brothel rozelle, bankstown brothel, leading brothel rydalmere ."